The earliest motivation I had when consciously engaging in the act of “creating works” was to “depict new landscapes that reflect the present and share them with many people.” We live in a chaotic information society where people are constantly overwhelmed by their busy lives. In such a reality, we need time to pause, gaze at the scenery, and calm our minds. Additionally, in an era where physical and psychological walls are easily erected out of invisible fears, I harbored a slight arrogance in wanting people to experience a sense of connection with others through the landscapes I create. In any case, I felt a strong need to create “new landscapes” for the modern age.
To depict these “new landscapes,” I believed it was crucial to express, on a sensory level, the long passage of time that forms landscapes and the gravitational forces our bodies unconsciously perceive as we look at them. What helped in this endeavor was the sense that “landscapes extend vertically.”
Trees grow straight up, while their roots spread underground to complete the natural scenery. Geological strata and oceans support the world in their depths, and the sky and cosmos emphasize our smallness through their extraordinary heights. Similarly, architectural structures are built vertically, from foundations to skyscrapers, shaping the urban landscape.
I represent these elements using consistent vertical brushstrokes, capturing the passage of time with gradients and afterimages on a single plane. By extracting colors from real landscapes and reconstructing them on the canvas, I layer elements in a way that eliminates the distinctions between parts and the whole, or the center and the periphery. This, I concluded, is the most suitable way for me to create “new landscapes” today.
The resulting series of works titled *Landscape* abstracts elements from real scenery and reconstructs them as new landscapes in large-scale paintings. My goal is to translate careful plans for brushstrokes, color choices, and composition into reality. This creative project also embraces the spontaneous brush movements and unforeseen changes that occur during the process, continuing to evolve the landscape as it unfolds. Rooted in history yet responsive to our ever-changing information society, these paintings gaze back at us as “new landscapes” that skillfully embody both preservation and transformation.
Painting is done by living human beings. Therefore, regardless of the artist’s intent, the work inevitably reflects a cross-section of the era in which the artist lives. Although photography is said to have diminished the role of painting as a medium for documentation, we still need to reconsider how a painting’s connection to its time influences our understanding of it.
Each time paint is added to a blank canvas, the painting becomes filled with heterogeneous elements. This heterogeneity is inherently unstable, containing the potential for relationships between elements to shift instantly. If painting quietly captures this dynamic process toward completion, its value as a medium for documentation remains relevant. Once completed, the painting integrates those present and manifests itself as a force that influences reality.
My paintings are both walls and windows. They may seem to separate spaces, yet they immediately connect reality and fiction, creating relationships with us. This evokes a feeling as though the painting itself is watching us. While viewers equally share the experience of looking at the same painting, they are equally seen by it, giving rise to a rich awareness of self and the world. My aim is to open up a “new landscape” where this shared moment fosters introspection and connection.